Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai
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الجميع يحب العروض الرائعة. شاهد أحدث عروضنا

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18 يناير


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Fun Run in Dubai

Kickstart your summer workout with Ibn Battuta Mall’s free indoor family Fun Run

15 يونيو-15 يونيو , عام 2019

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Beat the heat and stay fit with monthly mall runs starting Saturday, 15 June

Beat the heat and boost your summer fitness routine with our Fun Run event – a series of free, indoor, timed runs and walks at the world’s largest themed mall in Dubai. 

Stay active with friends and family in air conditioned comfort every month throughout summer, starting Saturday, 15 June.  

Held in association with RaceME, the region’s leading sports event company, the inaugural Fun Run event activities starts at 8.30 am at China Court with a warm-up session from Fitness First. Participants of the  will then walk, jog or sprint 2.5 km or 5 km on a specially-created track that covers all six travel-themed courts of Ibn Battuta Mall: China, India, Persia, Egypt, Tunisia and Andalusia.

Participants also receive a 25 per cent discount on selected brands of fitness equipment and products from Dynamic Sports.

Registration is essential: to book your free spot.  Participants must bring water, towel and running shoes. 

Ample parking is available near China Court main entrance, which is closest to the Fun Run starting point. Alternatively, use the Dubai Metro to reach the mall.

Future editions of our Fun Run are scheduled on 6 July, 3 August and 7 September.


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